Animation Project - 2023 (BunchaThings.mp4)

by Michael Boulos


This animation was made with the Blender open-source computer graphics software. The base idea I had for this project was a slightly more complex and photorealistic animation involving a Jetplane, however, using my base idea, I had to cut down the scale of the animation due to performance constraints and the amount of time it would take to create custom assets (more than the assets that I created for the final product below) and render the animation.

The animation is about 21 seconds, with a frame rate of 24 fps. In general, the animation is of a jet plane model landing of an aircraft carrier, with which I had utilized key-framing to model both the position and rotation of the model armature, in addition to the position and rotation of the individual bones of the model rig. After modelling the landing of the jetplane, my goal for the animation was just to utilize a plethora of Blender's animation features to create various portions of animation around that general theme of the aircraft carrier. So, although there is no direct story to the animation, I had fun using cloth sims, camera tracking, animation rigs, varied keyframing, motion interpolation, and motion curves to create an animation centered around a theme -- but mostly just fun to look at.

Model Assets

One of the main model assets in the animation is, of course, the jet plane. The jet plane model is the only external model resource I have used in the animation, it is a detailed model of a f-16 fighter jet with high quality color, roughness, mettallic, and normal maps for each respective part of the model. By part of the model, I mean that the model is split up into its respective plane parts, and comes with a detailed rig for each movable part ie. aileron, wheels, rudder.

The provided model, material/decal, and rig assets of the jet plane featured in the animation is to be attributed back to 'JacobDesigns' on Sketchfab. Big thanks to JacobDesigns for providing this free model for use through Sketchfab, and please note that an edited and stripped down version of the model was used in the animation featured in my project.

"(Free) F-16 | Fully Rigged" ( by Jacobdesigns is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( /by/4.0/).

The carrier model and all the other models on it, aswell as the ocean model itself which is procedurally meshed by the aptly named "ocean" modifier, are made by myself. The carrier comes in 2 parts: the flight deck and the body of the boat.

Texture Assets

Other than the jet plane textures, all other textures are either made from scratch or made procedurally in blender by me.

The flight deck texture is entirely made from scratch by me using GIMP (a raster graphics program similar to Photoshop), including the diffuse, which is based off multiple references of carrier flight decks I dound online to give me a general idea of the look of one, and the specular map. The surface normals of the flight deck are defined by a noise map fed into the normal input of the surface shader.

Sound Assets

All the sound assets added to the animation are appropriate royalty free sound files sourced from Pixabay. All sound effects belong to their respectful owners, and, because I really appreciate the sounds I was able to find and add to my animation, I will give credits and referral links below.

The sounds used in my animation are credited to the following:

Jet-Fighter FX - by Johnnie Holiday ~ Found on Pixabay
Ocean Soft Waves - by SoundsForYou ~ Found on SoundsForYou from Pixabay
Tube Rocket Cannon - by BowlingBallout ~ Found on Pixabay
Waving Flag - by AlaskaRobotics ~ Found on Pixabay

>>Note: I did a bunch of adjustments to the sounds during sequencing to better fit the animation content. In the case of the quick repeating of the jet sound effect at around the 10 second mark of video, this was not an audio error, I intended to simulate a "last boom" of the jet engine before it completely shut off -- whether I suceedeed is up to you dear viewer. As far as I can tell, the audio exported and was sequenced into the animation fairly well and without error.

Extra note: please excuse the lack of apparent ease-out interpolation of the jet plane when stopping; I intended to add interpolation in the animation curves, however, I found trying to balance the transformations between the independent 'x' and 'y' axes made more difficult when trying to use a mix of linear interpolation for the initial landing and spline interpolation for the slowing down of the aircraft. This was done for the sake of congruency in the landing motion, since the plane rig is moved at an angle.